Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tie-Dye: Round 6

Here we go .. the last seven of the Relay For Life shirts. 3 adult LG and 4 adult XL. XL's aren't so much fun. The more fabric the harder to truss up and the harder to get the dye down into the folds. But they are all done now and I'm very happy with all of them but one. One whammy out of 19 isn't bad. ;)spiral
Bulls EyeBulls Eye


Softailrider1 said...

The single colors are the most striking. Never seen shirts done like that before. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I like the solid colors, too. I also like the yllow and green with the big swirl in shades of red. They all look great to me.

MoeArt said...

Hmmm, I see that AM didn't get a tie dye. :::skulks off to sulk::::: :D