Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tie-Dye: Round 6

Here we go .. the last seven of the Relay For Life shirts. 3 adult LG and 4 adult XL. XL's aren't so much fun. The more fabric the harder to truss up and the harder to get the dye down into the folds. But they are all done now and I'm very happy with all of them but one. One whammy out of 19 isn't bad. ;)spiral
Bulls EyeBulls Eye

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tie-Dye: Round 5

My latest batch. 7 for 7, no whammies! Yay!
I used the same neon color kit as before. This time one kit did seven adult shirts - six mediums and one large. Note to self: For stripes, pleat the shirt opposite the direction you want the stripes to go.
Seven more to go ...